Thursday, June 02, 2005


So here I sit at school again killing time before it is time to run off to abnormal psych. We have a test today so that should be fun. That means at the very least that I should be getting out a little bit early.. yay. Oh and lets see... I have a quiz in Mythology tomorrow... well every friday and they suck... I definitly failed the first one.. it was ridiculous.. i wish I was taking it with the same professor everyone else took it with... at least I hear he was fun.. .but no I have the graduate student.. dude look like a lady ;) so I don't know what I am going to do. I guess that means I am going to be studying my ass off after I get out of psychology tonight because I don't know anything that she wants us to know. I have to have a response paper in to her by monday and that class is just driving me nuts.. I mean it's really interesting and it would be a lot of fun if I wasn't too busy stressing over her insane expectations of what 90% of the class who have never had a greek nor mythology class in their lives are supposed to know... she is filling every class to the brim with stuff with a ton of reading every night and she expects us to know and absorb every tidbit from it for these damn tests... and we are not talking have a general knowlege... no she wants the specifics... it's crazy... excuse me for not knowing the greek word for truth.. what relevence does that have... ahhh... ok so enough ranting about that class.. I have about 15 minutes to get to my other class and then decide where I am going to go to study afterwards... stupid summer hours... the library is only open til 9... wtf. Ok so Jessie is with Jessica again and that's great... gives me a little bit of a break and some free time ... well if you consider classes and studying to be freetime. So I ran her in to Aunt Ellen's and Uncle Ken's house tonight and Aunt Ellen stopped me to let me know that we are going to be their bowling partners for the upcoming season... starting in like late august early september.... haha I'm going to be in a bowling league.. should serve to be interesting. Ok well I really should go but just a little reminder to everyone out there as to why I am SOOOO excited about this upcoming weekend... PRIDE!!!! Enough to put anyone in a better mood.. at least if you ask me. Love you baby.... hope you are having fun at work and hopefully I will have gotten enough studying done by the time that I pick you up that we will be able to get some stuff done before we go to sleep... the house is a disaster... ok bye for now :)

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