Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Could you pick a better day to start a blog?

This rant is dedicated to all of the assholes who voted for Bush, family and friends alike:

I am EXTREMELY disappointed in this country. Do we have no backbone? Has this president instilled so much fear in us that we have too much fear to try a change? Watching the news right now... there is something about bush and victory in the same sentance that turns my stomache. Maybe I should have done this sooner but does anyone else in this country care about the extent to which bush's agenda is going to hurt us. Here are all of the things that this president (yes I refuse to say MY president) has succeded in over the last 4 years and thanks to all of you, we have 4 more years of it. bush has succeded in threatening my right as a woman to choose. passing the partial birth abortion law was the first step a review of roe v wade is not far to follow. He has taken away the rights of young adults world wide to a comprehensive sex education including alternatives and safe sex training and has pushed abstinence as the only option although we all know that this doesn't work. Apparently the defence of mariage act wasn't enough for bush... no he is trying to ammend the constitution to take away MY RIGHT TO MARRIAGE! sorry I have to go off on a rant on this one...
To all you fuckers who don't think that I deserve the right to marriage I would just like to say that your major fight is a religious one. There is a deffinite, well there's supposed to be a deffinite seperation of church and state and you can take your religious marriages. I wouldn't want to be married in your fucking church anyone, not mine and not anyone elses. I dont need the concent of your made up god I need the concent of the goverment. Although I dont' mind being invisible and not having this corrupt government validate and give their sanction to my marriage I would like to be able to see my WIFE in the hospital if she were to get sick, have the right to adopt her daughter and have the right to take her to the hospital and such if it ever comes to that, I would like to know that if anything happened to me my wife would not have to fight my family to keep our joint posessions and money. I want to know that when I am dying the person I LOVE could be at my side. I want the same tax breaks, health coverage, and insurance benefits that heterosexuals recieve. It's not about validation and it sure as HELL isn't about religion. I just want the same rights as everyone else. We are your daughters, sons, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, mentors etc. FIGURE IT OUT STOP DISCRIMINATING AGAINST YOUR OWN KIND and for god sake don't write discrimination into the constitution of this country. In light of this election 11 states banned same-sex marriages this morning... Don't tell me who and how to love.
It became blatently obvious to me today in my UGC211 class (American Pluralism) how many people still have the disilusioned view of America that we are somehow god's gift to countries. We are not the land of the free, we are not the country that always does the right thing. Come on people snap out of it... this land was not found it was taken over by killing the Natives and this kind of mentality has never stopped. We have repetitivly policed the world and tried to exert power that isn't ours to exert. History is just repeating itself. Look at vietnam people we are in another war that the world isn't behind us in and neither is this country. We are dying for LIES. Clinton lied about sex in the oval office and although I didn't like him.. why is it ok to lie about something that is getting thousands of americans killed. Although I have often disagreed with the politics in this country this is the first time I can honestly say that I have wished I lived in another country. I am SOOOO disappointed in this countries people and their representatives. Welcome to dictatorship everybody... there is no successful checks and balances system when the republicans own the house the senate and the white house... I leave you all with this... FUCK YOU!!!


SundayPineapple said...

Bush being re-elected is beyond my realm of comprehension. I can honestly say that I know no one who voted for him.

Lori said...

For the most part honey I agree with you...
See you after work hun.

SundayPineapple said...

I'm sorry, but I must say that "partial birth abortion" is not in the medical dictionary. I wish the Bush would would coin a new term like he did with "weapons of mass destruction".

Recy's Pieces said...

I must say that I voted for Kerry, and also know absolutely no one that voted for Bush. I am totally supportive of the issues you raised, and am for same-sex marriages. No one has the right to tell anyone who to love, or who to marry. You are not hurting anyone, so why can't you live the way you want to? I am terrified of the next 4 years, and the choices that Bush will make. He has spent the last 4 years trying to make other countries better while the U.S.A. goes to shit. Our education system is terrible, and he doesn't care! I can't believe that we have to endure 4 more years of him "running" this country. We will be bankrupt, uneducated, and without any rights. I'm totally supportive of you and your wife, and wish you the best of luck. There are people in the U.S.A. that support choices that you want to make, and hopefully one day all of us will make our voice heard.

bren said...

Ok Danny I have to comment on what you said...
Yes this election was based on fear... and it shouldnt be that way, it should be about who can actually help this country more than the other... bc lets face it our country is falling apart at the seams and apparently this jackass doesnt care, this is made obvious by the fact that he spends more time and $ taking care of every other country rather than our own... we have soo many problems in our own country that he overlooks but has no problem helping people in other countries with similiar or identical problems... this is sickening... what ever happened to "you cant help anyone until you help yourself" example- a homeless person shouldnt be donating there spare change they get to a charity.
I grew up in a military family and lived on Army bases the whole 9 yards... and my mother who was a drill sargent and she doesnt even agree with him... this isnt about protecting others even anymore... we got a bad guy yes... but the reason we used to go after him were wrong... but that is done and over... we are doing what we are suppose to in trying to help rebuild, but more US troops have died after evil man was captured than were prior... I work with service men at my job who have just come back from Iraq and they even say its done its over these people dont want us there anymore we should get the fuck out. Also at one time Bush said oh the women of Iraq should be thanking us... for what?? For killing their sons and husbands, for killing and raping them? and yes our government really does train our troops in very fucked up ways such that when a soldier does these things he doesnt really think its wrong at the time... and if he's lucky it comes back to bite him in the as at some point...( or her for that matter ) So many oil fields have been destroyed.. this is how they make their livelihood.. and why im paying a fucking arm, leg and ear for gas right now...
As far as women's rights... see now i dont fully agree with either you or lori... yes it is a woman's right to choose... yes partial birth abortion is fucked up for all the reasons you mentioned... i mean hell at that point the CHILD could live outside the mothers womb and still live i have a friend that is a neonatal surgical nurse and she even said after 23 weeks of gestation the fetus can live outside the womb and survive on its own... there's always adoption... However prior to this the kid, fetus, child whatever you want to call it cant live.. so i say that should be the breakoff... unless of course there are medical reasons either for the mother or the child involved at that point it would be a case by case situation... Also who the hell is ANY man to tell any WOMAN what she can and can not do with her body... Id like to see Bush give child birth, and since i know you nor lori have done this let me shed some light on this... ITS NOT FUN,.... ITS PAINFUL... IT SUCKS... You end up getting ripped... possibly people fucking with your back to give you drugs... you have some random creepy person all up in your crotch trust me its not fun times...
On the same token lori does have a point about certain people like bush and his crazy followers could twist things around and be like well if this is true... ie) law that states if kill pregnant woman then goes on as 2 murders... i happen to agree with this law... but some could fuck up their heads and be like see if that is considered murder then all abortions should be irregardless of how far along they are... see where the problem is?
Bush if he had his way has said more than once that he would prefer to have schools only teach abstinence... i say teach everything... knowledge is power and parents do have the right atleast in NYS to say they do not want their child to participate in sex ed...
However... as far as this comment "abstinence is the only fool-proof way to prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies." that is a crock of shit... its called proper use of birth controll mechanisms... learn how to use it learn how to do it properly... practice condoms on a fucking banana or cucumber... its all about sexual shame... see hun there's somethin for you... if parents would actually talk to their kids and explain things to them like the young adults they are and keep open lines of communication... and if their are older siblings studies have shown kids are more likely to respect and listen to what a sibling says over a parent... then the liklihood of that child being involved in a teen pregnancy is EXTREMELY LOW. its all about communication and not lying... which i might add this "president" has done a TON of... hell all clinton did was get a blow job in the oval office and look at all the fucked up shit this jackass has done and what has happened to him... ????
the govt is the one that wanted the separation of church and state,... the govt cant pick and choose when they want to add religion in... now with that said i grew up in a very religious home... mom is the sunday school superindendent and my grandma was prior to her... no i do not plan on joining their ranks ill leave that to my lil sis... but the point is ... "marriage" is a religion term... therefor this should be left up to the individual diocese / diolects etc etc other forms of religions... and the govt has no right sticking their noses into it... on the other hand... thank GOD i live in NYS where wacky Pataki... i dont really care if i spelled that right... he has made it so gays and lesbians can be with their families in cases of emergencies... however this is only for direct partners... so.... God forbid anything happen to my daughter, but if something did Lori wouldnt by law be allowed to visit her in the hospital should the situation say family only... This is a bullshit law. Also classically the "fem" of the relationship has the "better" job... due to stereotypes and other random bullshit views... this results in usually 1 person having good benefits and the other either not having or having shitty ones... these people should be allowed to be on each other's plans just like "normal" families... and with that said what is "normal" ? there is no such thing.I truely believe that if people could put a face... someone they know who's gay these things wouldnt be an issue... i mean come on ask cheney... notice how he just tries to avoid the whole fucking issue... talk about innre conflict... your daughter tells you one thing and your "boss" tells you another... if that was me id have quit in a fucking heart beat. I can atleast respect cheney... hes smarter than bush... and come on he's Jewish too... how can you go wrong... no im not jewish... im just saying its about time we got some "REAL" people in office... people who arent afriad to admit when they fuck up and take appropriate actions to fix things they fucked up...

"... and care for its own children and a couple that cannot. "

So with this are you saying that gays and lesbians cant take care of a kid??? think before you speak.
also... as far as... "we can see that the vast majority of the rest of the world opposes homosexual marriage" but if you notice everyday we are seeing more and more countries being more and more leanient... hell recently germany allows it... canada... netherlands... and i know there are atleast 1 or 2 more... and as far as those other countries think about this they kill women for no reason so what would make anyone think they are about to allow gay marriage?

Tihs is one of the most fucked up things i have read yet... " However, the establishment of families and the raising of children is a legitmate public interest that the government can regulate, thus the bans on gay marriage have legal legitmacy." so with this come crack addict alcoholic (Bush) could then legally take my daughter... i mean come on lets play devils advocate... this could happen... right? OVER MY FUCKING DEAD BODY!

News flash this NEVER should have been an issue in this election... Clinton already signed a law stating that "Marriage is between a man and a woman" it was his compromise to get another law passed... so the fact that tis even came up is ludicrist...

I hope the whole fucking worlds just calms the fuck down... bc lets face it in life shit happens you try to make the best of it... then you die... so stop your bitching everyone... get back to your regularly scheduled lives... whatever they may be... and just realize that we now live in the country with the most hated man on the planet as the president... the one who looks like a donkey when he speaks... i could go on and on...
Yes in general "America is a great country...," however lately i would not agree with this part... "... the greatest in the world." Hell at this point i wish i was still 18 so i could legally say he's not my president and have it litterally be true since for a while i had dual citizenship...
We do NOT have the best "political and economic system ever in human existence." unemploy,ment rates are up... and no EBAY ISNOT A JOB! and come on if our political system was so good then how is it that 4 times in our country's existence the person who won the popular vote didnt become president the electoral college is vastely outdated and need to be destroyed... no more intimidating people... no more oh im saoory you need an extra photo id... and for gods sake how hard is it to be sure that absentee ballots get out on time?
With this all said i shall now get off my soap box... Hope things are going well.

bren said...

" This is why we have Child Protective Services agencies in every state." yea and what they dont tell you is that when a non-custodial parent wants to be a jackass they can "blow in the orther one " just to be an ass... i cant tell you how many times i have seen this happen... bottom line the system is EXTREMELY FUCKED UP and needs to be torn down and start over from scratch... screw child protection... they are never around when they should be and are when they shouldnt be...
"Bush will never ask for children to be taken away from their homosexual parents." or so you say now... i dont trust him any further than i could throw this fucking house... i hope he dies choking on a pretzle.
" no family court judge in the nation could possibly ever uphold such a governmental action." Wanna bet they already have... do some reaseach and you will find it... here's a clue start with the state of ohio... on the other hamnd thank god i live in NYS where they wont allow that and i do know this as fact due to the fact that i have a cousin who is a lawyer and she frequently forwards thing to me on this issue so i know when i go to leave this insanely taxed state i can properly chose a state where that wont happen to me.

"Don't let governmental involvement in families worry you too much." too late... my family has already been fucked over way tooo fucking much due to the govt's both over and under involvement... screw the fucking govt../. it only works for those born with fucking silver spoons and the rest of us are left to fucking die on the streets of reality.
"It is good for the government to remove children from abusive households." - this is true... but it rarely actually happens until it is too late, or it doesnt happen at all.
" I think that if you ever heard our positions presented in a serious manner you could understand where we are coming from." I have my cousin the lawyer i mentioned is one of you.

bren said...
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Lori said...

judging from the way this worked out I think I am going to keep posting controversial issues and let you guys take it from there so stay posted... :)